
You know deep in your bones
You are being called to something more.

Your entrepreneurial spirit has guided you toward incredible successes, and you are proud of the meaningful work you have done thus far on Earth.

But there is a new calling.

There is a nudge, something whispering to you, that there is more—a deeper purpose. You could easily keep doing what you are doing, but it's eating at you, knowing that there is something to be awakened.

You simply don’t know how to put the pieces together. You need a tribe you trust to hold up a mirror and call out the next version of you.

Now accepting applications for the Hope Dealer’s Mastermind:

A real-time entrepreneur support group.

We are a small tribe of vetted, aligned individuals who are committed to helping you unlock your personal, professional, and spiritual potential.

…and we do things backward.

Join the Waitlist.

This is a Safe Place to Deal with Real-Time Shit

Think of us as the “Anti-Mastermind” Mastermind. Structurally, we are driven by hot seats and Q&As, problems you are facing right now, in real-time. We are here to hold a container, a space for you to come with what’s really going on, while we help you solve it.

We also know what entrepreneurs need.

Referrals. Relationships. Revenue.

As we build deep connections, this tribe will be perfectly positioned to give you the right referrals, facilitate introductions to help you build strategic relationships, ultimately driving more revenue to your offers. 

You're going to have a board of directors with whom you can discuss issues. You'll have a platform with some of the brightest minds to help you determine the right choices for moving forward. Additionally, you'll have a group of people who, if you wish, will hold you accountable.

Not just a little accountable…but extremely accountable.

We will show up for you but will expect that you put your ass in gear. 

We're not just here to inspire; we're here to ignite change.


Our mastermind sessions dig deep into the philosophies of hope, resilience, and transformation. We believe that true leadership and influence come from the ability to authentically connect and inspire those around us.

In 180 days, you'll walk away with a
plan for the preceding twelve months.

Masterminds we have ran in the past have been 25k+.

However we are feeling called in this season to facilitate something different…

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Membership is only 995/month.

5000 total for the 180 days.

Spots are limited to 16 and they will go fast.

Join the Waitlist.

Meet your Facilitators

We don’t do the guru bullshit. We are one of you.

We are high performers. But behind closed doors, we have issues that we've had to work on. We have spent hundreds of thousands on our own coaches, masterminds, and mentors. We have led hundreds of people.

We also have had to overcome extreme adversity. We've built and burned businesses and ideas. We've lost friendships and relationships. We've made mistakes in every facet of our lives.

And yet, our failures have not defined us. 

In fact they have perfectly positioned us to guide others who felt like they were dealt the wrong hand of cards. We were dealt those cards too and trust us, you can do something extraordinary with them…